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Re: Spooks - Pressethread

26.10.2008, 23:33

PG und alicat von der alten AA haben diese Kritik in einem Blog gefunden. :hurra:

26.10.2008, 23:33

Re: Spooks - Pressethread

27.10.2008, 10:53

Kritik im Guardian (thanks to Annette and fourof5):

9pm, BBC1

Rare is the returning British drama that gets you giddy but, back for its seventh series and resolving last year's big cliffhanger, Spooks returns triumphant. It's no secret that Ros is back, Adam is leaving and new boy Lucas North (Richard Armitage) has been rescued from a Russian prison, but how it all plays out is a delight. And what of Jo, last seen begging Adam to kill her so as to avoid being tortured? I could tell you, but then I would, of course, have to kill you.

:win: :stars: :win:

Re: Spooks - Pressethread

27.10.2008, 11:59

Danke, Maike. Nur mal interessehalber: Wie viele Stunden hat dein Tag so? 48? Wenn wir bei Harry Potter wären, würde ich sagen, du hast einen Timeturner benutzt.

Re: Spooks - Pressethread

27.10.2008, 12:34

Ich schlafe sogar zwischendurch. Und muss auch manchmal arbeiten. :grins:

Re: Spooks - Pressethread

27.10.2008, 21:18

Peter Firth bei Radio FiveLive:

Frederica von C19 hat geschrieben:I was able to listen to the last few minutes while I was driving. PF mentioned Richard (did you send an e-mail, Patty? ;) :) ) He said Richard had brought a whole new dimension to the show, which was fantastic and also necessary to keep it fresh. There was some discussion then about the waterboarding scene and the article in the Times was referred to. PF was asked if he felt it was necessary to include such scenes, and he said 'yes - it's what we (Spooks) do'

Re: Spooks - Pressethread

28.10.2008, 11:19

Thanks to Annette: schlechter review aus dem Independent, aber der kann generell nix mit Spooks anfangen.

Spooks is back, with its cast of upper-middle-class types once more saving the nation. This week, homegrown Islamic extremists, in alliance with Russians, were threatening to murder a kidnapped soldier unless Remembrance Day ceremonies were abandoned. The Prime Minister, via a weaselly civil servant, wanted to give in, but top spook Adam Carter (Rupert Penry-Jones) defied them in Churchillian terms – "No fanatic with a sword is going to stop us honouring our dead" – pointing out that the Queen would never allow such a thing. I find the world-view presented here, with its nasty Muslims, spineless democratically elected politicians and secret agents who are magically representative of the true soul of the nation, deeply repellent. At the end, Carter got blown up, which was supposed to be a shock. I don't think I'd have been bothered even if I'd been remotely convinced.

Re: Spooks - Pressethread

28.10.2008, 11:22

Ich muß mich jetzt sehr zurückhalten, sonst werde ich zu politisch.... :evil:

Re: Spooks - Pressethread

28.10.2008, 11:24

Nachdem er die Serie sowieso nicht mag, kann das jedem egal sein. :pff:

Re: Spooks - Pressethread

28.10.2008, 13:44

Neues von Ian Wylie. Thanks to Patty!

Re: Spooks - Pressethread

28.10.2008, 14:25

Thanks to deb: Artikel in

You can rely on Spooks to keep you up to speed on who's topping the league table of Britain's international enemies.

So, Cold War nostalgics will no doubt relish the return of the pesky Ruskies to No.1, though, in keeping with the confusing times we live in, al-Qaeda's teen-terrorists have to be added into the mix, just to turn paranoia levels up to the max.

Though it overplays the Queen-and-country card at times, Spooks combines slick action and spy suspense with a style and panache second to none on British TV.

It builds a world where no one is indispensable and nothing is what it seems; a point underscored by the explosive departure of Adam Carter.

Exit Rupert Penry-Jones and enter Richard Armitage – which is quite a thought to conjure with.

Vier Sterne.

Re: Spooks - Pressethread

28.10.2008, 14:43

Peter Firth bei Simon Mayo, Interview beginnt bei ca. 2:21 und geht ca. 20 min, allerdings unterbrochen von Nachrichten.

Re: Spooks - Pressethread

28.10.2008, 14:49

Thanks to Annette, von Digital Spy:

The return of Spooks for a seventh series was met by 5.5m (23.4%) at 9pm on BBC One. The spy drama comfortably beat the final episode of ITV1's Wired, which had 3.12m (13.3%) at the same time, but was down on the 6.6m (28.1%) who saw the premiere of series six last year.


Re: Spooks - Pressethread

28.10.2008, 14:53

Yessss!!!!! :dance: :happy:

Re: Spooks - Pressethread

28.10.2008, 16:27

Hermione Norris bei GMTV. Thanks to silversnowflakes! Sehr locker und lustig! :daumen:

Re: Spooks - Pressethread

28.10.2008, 16:33

Gemischter Review im Guardian. :? Thanks to Annette.
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