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 Betreff des Beitrags: Movies FIX (01.05.2013)
BeitragVerfasst: 01.05.2013, 10:02 
Uhtred's warrior maiden

Registriert: 29.03.2012, 22:46
Beiträge: 18400
Richard Armitage: 'I told Prince William he'd make a good elf in The Hobbit'
By Yasmin Vought
May 1st, 2013

MovieFIX reporter Yasmin Vought settled in for a chat with Richard Armitage while he was in Sydney this week to promote the DVD and Blu-Ray release of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey — where he told us a hilarious story about Peter Jackson's pants falling down, what it was like to go to dwarf boot camp and why Prince William, Duke of Cambridge would make a great elf. Read the full interview below.

How has your Australian stay been so far?

Richard: Yeah good, easy. I 've never been to Sydney before — I've had a great time.

I've climbed the Sydney Harbour bridge, did karaoke, I've eaten a lot of crazy seafood.

Karaoke huh, did you go to Ding Dong Dangs?

Richard: Yes I did. I don't remember what I sang, but I can't seem to get [Bon Jovi's] 'Living on a Prayer' out of my head, so maybe it was that.

But I thought your voice was more baritone.

Richard: Yeah, so did I. Maybe I sang the baritone version of it.

So I know we can't ask you about The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, but can we ask you about Tauriel?

Richard: We like to call her towel rail. No I can't actually, I would be absolutely slaughtered. All I can say is that I love Evangeline [Lilly], very much.

I'm very curious about her character, because she wasn't in the books?

Richard: I'm quite curious! I think she's quite curious about her character aswell, because nobody really knows. I never really saw her doing any shooting. I saw her doing some weapons training, which looked awesome.

And you went to dwarf boot camp for your training.

Richard: We did about eight weeks of learning how to walk like a dwarf, dwarf insults, wrestling and headbutting. They supposedly had a secret hand language, but we didn't quite manage to get that into the story because there just wasn't enough time to figure out what these hand signals were that they were doing.

But yeah it was interesting. We went into the woodlands to do a war improvisation and we started using these hand signals, like the SAS (Special Air Service) might. Which was fun.

You have your own lego character! That's pretty awesome.

Richard: There's one Thorin Lego which I'm very proud of. You now you've arrived when there's a Lego for your character.

This is why I was surprised that Tauriel had her own Lego figurine.

Richard: Well yeah, originally she was possibly going to be in movie one, so that's why a lot of those characters you would have seen already.

When you first read the book did you always feel a connection with Thorin's character?

Richard: No, when I read it as a kid, of course you follow Bilbo because that's what [JRR] Tolkien wants you to do. I loved Gollum, but I never thought that I might be playing Thorin.

Now I can't really imagine playing anything else, which is possibly a good thing. It's a sign of a connection with your character, because I'd thought about him a lot, read about him and had a connection with him.

266 days of filming is a long time with one character.

Richard: Yeah it is, but I think he'll stay in my head for a long time. I'm curious to see how he evolves for the second and third films. Because we shot it, but I don't quite remember what we did. I mean, I saw movie one and there were moments when I was like "I don't remember doing that".

Yeah because Peter Jackson could change it up wherever he wants from here.

Richard: Yeah, that's why we go back and shoot new stuff, because it's a new edit.

You've worked in television (The Vicar of Dibley, Spooks and Robin Hood to name a few) for such a long time, so that kind of character development over a long time must have been quite natural to you.

Richard: Well yeah, and realising I was going to have to work on this for 18 months and possibly longer. Part of the preparation for me was treating it as though I was going to be a longer running character. You've gotta be thorough with how you construct it. We are coming back nearly a year and a half on and you've got to start doing it again. I'll need to go back to my notes and remind myself of what those inspirations were that kind of got me to that place the first time around. So yeah, it's been a long term character.

What was the biggest challenge of the role?

Richard: The physical challenges, that was the endurance test really. When it comes to the physical thing, you just go to the gym and work hard and bear the heat and discomfort. It's not exactly rocket science, it's just about endurance.

One of the challenges I always found was that I came up with a voice for him and keeping my voice at that level was complicated, because your voice changes from morning to evening — if you've done a lot of shouting the day before with fighting — trying to keep a constant sound to him was challenging. But of course we can go back and do a lot of sound post-production.

The dwarves are very musical characters. Does Thorin get to pick up an instrument?

Richard: No there's no instruments, it was a real shame. There's a great picture in one of the books I had of Thorin and his golden harp. It would be a nice image to see him pull out something and sing a gentle song, but there's no room for it really. There's so much happening, there's so much action. I don't know, maybe at Beorn's house — as they're settling down for the night. It was just never part of Peter's vision. In another version of the movie, maybe.

Which other actors did you bond with most of all, while making The Hobbit?

Richard: I worked quite closely with Jed [Brophy], because of the physical stuff and also Graham [McTavish] because our two characters played a lot together, so we did a lot of our fight training together. But also Aidan [Turner] and Dean [O'Gorman] because they're my nephews [in the film]. I love them both as characters and actors, they're just such lovely people.

Also Martin [Freeman] and Ian [McKellan] — I spent a lot of time working with both of them. I can't even begin to tell you how great they are all as a family. I mean we were away from home, all of us — apart from the kiwi guys that were half of the cast. But that meeting of two cultures was very much like the dwarves assembling from all areas of the Blue Mountains to come together and go on a quest. It matched and it was great, I'm looking forward to seeing them all again.

Martin Freeman is such a funny guy too, did he get up to any practical jokes?

Richard: Constantly. Martin is just like a one man band. He's the most entertaining guy I have ever met. He's so funny. He can really pull out an emotional card aswell and be very moving. It always took me by surprise, because I'd be watching going "You're going to be funny now aren't you" and he wouldn't he'd move you.

There's a moment in movie three — they said we couldn't talk about movie two — but [not movie three], where he just did something and it kind of took me to the place I needed to go. He's just such a generous actor and incredibly funny.

Peter is so funny too. Did you have trouble understanding his New Zealand sense of humour.

Richard: I always understood it, it's very close to the British humour. There was one scene where Thorin was running down a log towards Azog and Peter was demonstrating to me how fast he wanted me to run, so he charged down the log and his trousers fell down at the bottom — in front of the crew. But he just sort of pulled up his trousers and said, "well don't do it like that" and just went back into the tent. But it was one of the funniest things I have ever seen.

I could hear him chuckling over the microphone once he got inside the tent.


Has anyone ever told you, that you look like an elf? You should play an elf!

You should come over with the potential of doing some journalism and meet the casting director, they would put you in there. You're built like an elf.

I've always wanted to be an elf.

Richard: How tall are you?


Richard: You are already an elf.

Well I do play an elf in Dungeons and Dragons.

Richard: You should come over and pretend you're going to do an interview and I'll introduce you to Philippa [Boyens] and be like "cast her".

The female elves are very hard to find. It's a very specific look. You should do it.

When you met Prince William, you guys had a bit of a chat. Do you remember what he said?

Richard: I think I said something about him playing an elf because he's so tall. Of course he knocked it away and was like "no no no, not at all". And of course you get briefed on the protocal of what you should and shouldn't say and I was like "oh my goodness, I've said the wrong thing".

After the movie, I was sitting on the aisle and he left and he kind of walked past me and shook my hand and said "that was a really really great performance. Kate's going to love this when she gets to see it". My dad was like "What did he say?" I was like "Did you not hear him?" And my dad's like "no, I'm deaf, I didn't hear him".

That was one of those days that I felt very proud.

Maybe the Queen will be at the next premiere.

Richard: I don't think she's into these movies very much.

But it would be so cool if the Queen was a fan of The Hobbit.

Richard: Do you know what, I was very happy with Prince William. It doesn't get much better than that.

Yeah, Prince William and I can be elves together for the third film.

Richard: You should definitely send your CV in. I met an elf in Australia and you should cast her!

One of the questions from my office was "How does it feel to be a heartthrob"?

Richard: Am I a heartthrob? *laughs* Thorin Oakenshield? Well I guess if someones' gonna run down a burning log and charge at the enemy. I mean I guess that's why I wanted to play him, because he's got a heroic side to him that I probably don't have.

I think they were actually referring to your television roles.

Richard: I always end up playing bad characters though, I never get the girl. Well I did in North & South.

Maybe that's one of the things that your fans like about you.

Richard: I do feel responsible for them. When I pick a job I'm always "Are they going to like this or are they going to hate it". I try to do stuff that they'll like, but I don't think I'll always be able to do that.

They're incredibly well read and very supportive. I sometimes do a bit of research by going on my own websites, because they're always reading some great book.

You started out in theatre.

Richard: It's all I ever did really. I went to drama school because I was a theatre actor and then I joined for the Royal Shakespeare Company, and the television film thing — I met a lot of American film actors and they talked a lot about film acting and I never had that heritage. I'm all about the script and the characters.

So it's a surprise to me to end up in recorded media.

I keep saying it and people don't believe me, but every year I plan on doing a play. It just never comes together, because something else gets in the way. I am going to do it in the next year or so.

I heard that you were on painkillers for the first Hobbit audition. What's the story behind that?

Richard: I'd been shooting a scene for the final season of Spooks and I'd injured my back. I had the casting the following morning, I couldn't get out of bed, I could barely carry my bag. So I took loads of painkillers and got on the train to go to the casting, but by the time I got into the city the pain just hadn't gone away, so I took loads more painkillers and kinda walked in holding my bag like this and sat on my hands for the casting.

It probably informed the pain of the character a little bit — maybe I just looked old and grumpy.

You've also said that you're shy at parties.

Richard: Yeah I am, but once I have a drink inside me I'm not. I get on the dance floor and I'm an animal. I'm good once I get to know people. I'm not very good at talking to a lot of people at the same time. If I can't focus on one person, I get kind of itchy — especially at a party when someone's talking to you and they're looking all around, I'm like "are you talking to me or are you talking to everybody else?"

Did you feel as though new Zealand had become your home?

Richard: Yeah. I was totally seduced by it. I started looking for a place to buy, because I want to live there. Everyone's so friendly and relaxed and they can afford to be, because the place they live in is so pristine and their lifestyle is easy compared to where I came from. I loved the lifestyle, I can't wait to get back!

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey is out on Blu-ray and DVD today! Vote 'want to see' or 'not interested' on MovieBuzz!

Follow our MovieFIX interviewer Yasmin Vought on Twitter:

Then check out Richard's interview with Nine Network's Mornings show below.


Spoiler: anzeigen
mit sensationellen Neuigkeiten :grins:
How has your Australian stay been so far?

Richard: Yeah good, easy. I 've never been to Sydney before — I've had a great time.

I've climbed the Sydney Harbour bridge, did karaoke, I've eaten a lot of crazy seafood.

Karaoke huh, did you go to Ding Dong Dangs?

Richard: Yes I did. I don't remember what I sang, but I can't seem to get [Bon Jovi's] 'Living on a Prayer' out of my head, so maybe it was that.

But I thought your voice was more baritone.

Richard: Yeah, so did I. Maybe I sang the baritone version of it.

@Nimue: Also war er doch jetzt auf der Sydney Harbour Bridge.


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Verfasst: 01.05.2013, 10:02 

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 Betreff des Beitrags: Re: Movies FIX, 01.05.2013
BeitragVerfasst: 01.05.2013, 10:06 
Lucas' sugarhorse

Registriert: 21.11.2010, 15:31
Beiträge: 14058
Wohnort: Lost in T's eyes
:blum: :kuss:, Arianna.

Hab ich auch gerade gelesen- ich finde, dass die ganzen australischen Interviews im Schnitt viel besser und origineller sind, als alles, was wir zuvor gesehen und gelesen haben.
Es ist immer eine Menge Neues dabei - und Richard ist auch viel offener.

Beim Karaoke würde ich ihn auch gern hören :lol: .
Jetzt wissen wir endlich auch, was er zu Prince William gesagt hat- und anscheinend war sein Vater auch bei der Premiere in London im Kino dabei. Ich musste nur über seine "deaf"-Bemerkung grinsen- so ging's mir nämlich in diesem Kino auch- wenn sie da die Lautstärke auch so dermaßen aufgedreht hatten, wie da als wir den Hobbit angesehen haben, dann wundert mich nicht, dass sein Vater taub wurde :evilgrin: :kuss:

"Towel rail" für Tauriel ist auch :lachen: - erinnert mich an sein "ice-cream" für "ice-queen" bzgl. Hermione.

Die Passage zum Theater spielen ( hat er hier auch etwa mitgelesen :evilgrin: :pfeif: ):

You started out in theatre.

Richard: It's all I ever did really. I went to drama school because I was a theatre actor and then I joined for the Royal Shakespeare Company, and the television film thing — I met a lot of American film actors and they talked a lot about film acting and I never had that heritage. I'm all about the script and the characters.

So it's a surprise to me to end up in recorded media.

I keep saying it and people don't believe me, but every year I plan on doing a play. It just never comes together, because something else gets in the way. I am going to do it in the next year or so.

Und er ist ein " animal on the dance floor" :evilgrin: :kuss: :lachen: :

You've also said that you're shy at parties.

Richard: Yeah I am, but once I have a drink inside me I'm not. I get on the dance floor and I'm an animal. I'm good once I get to know people. I'm not very good at talking to a lot of people at the same time. If I can't focus on one person, I get kind of itchy — especially at a party when someone's talking to you and they're looking all around, I'm like "are you talking to me or are you talking to everybody else?"

Also sucht er doch ein Haus in NZ- als Zweit - oder Drittwohnsitz würde ich mal annehmen:

Did you feel as though new Zealand had become your home?

Richard: Yeah. I was totally seduced by it. I started looking for a place to buy, because I want to live there. Everyone's so friendly and relaxed and they can afford to be, because the place they live in is so pristine and their lifestyle is easycompared to where I came from. I loved the lifestyle, I can't wait to get back!

Auch die Passagen sind sehr interessant:

The dwarves are very musical characters. Does Thorin get to pick up an instrument?

Richard: No there's no instruments, it was a real shame. There's a great picture in one of the books I had of Thorin and his golden harp. It would be a nice image to see him pull out something and sing a gentle song, but there's no room for it really. There's so much happening, there's so much action. I don't know, maybe at Bayon's house — as they're settling down for the night. It was just never part of Peter's vision. In another version of the movie, maybe.

Which other actors did you bond with most of all, while making The Hobbit?

Richard: I worked quite closely with Jed [Brophy], because of the physical stuff and also Graham [McTavish] because our two characters played a lot together, so we did a lot of our fight training together. But also Aidan [Turner] and Dean [O'Gorman] because they're my nephews [in the film]. I love them both as characters and actors, they're just such lovely people.

Eine Szene mit der Harfe hätte ich gern gesehen- zumindest in den Extras :sigh: :sigh: Endlich hat auch mal jemand danach gefragt!

Und zu MF:

Martin Freeman is such a funny guy too, did he get up to any practical jokes?

Richard: Constantly. Martin is just like a one man band. He's the most entertaining guy I have ever met. He's so funny. He can really pull out an emotional card aswell and be very moving. It always took me by surprise, because I'd be watching going 'You're going to be funny now aren't you' and he wouldn't he'd move you.

There's a moment in movie three — they said we couldn't talk about movie two — but [not movie three], where he just did something and it kind of took me to the place I needed to go. He's just such a generous actor and incredibly funny.

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 Betreff des Beitrags: Re: Movies FIX, 01.05.2013
BeitragVerfasst: 01.05.2013, 10:28 
Little Miss Gisborne

Registriert: 23.03.2013, 17:59
Beiträge: 12982
Wohnort: Sachsenländle
Man kommt ja echt aus dem schwärmen nicht mehr heraus :sigh:

Prinz William als Elb ist doch wirklich entzückend :knutsch:

Ach das ganze Interview ist entzückend! :sigh: :aww: :heartthrow: :knutsch:

Ich finde echt keine Worte mehr. Muss mich erstmal sammeln :umkipp:

Danke für den Link, Arianna :blum: :kuss:


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 Betreff des Beitrags: Re: Movies FIX, 01.05.2013
BeitragVerfasst: 01.05.2013, 10:48 
Uhtred's warrior maiden

Registriert: 29.03.2012, 22:46
Beiträge: 18400
:daumen: Ja, ich glaube, das ist auch eins meiner Lieblingsinterviews! :heartthrow:

Spoiler: anzeigen
"I get on the Dance floor and I am an animal."


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 Betreff des Beitrags: Re: Movies FIX, 01.05.2013
BeitragVerfasst: 01.05.2013, 10:57 
Harry's sweetest temptation

Registriert: 16.01.2013, 16:49
Beiträge: 3057
Danke für den Link.

Ich find's immer schön, dass ich hinterher gar nicht so genau weiß, was ich zu den Interviews sagen soll. Weil ich leise vor mich hin lächle, weil er wieder irgendwas gesagt hat, das ich einfach nur... anbetungswürdig finde. Oder süß. Oder berührend. Oder lustig...
Ich möchte das dann eigentlich auch gar nicht kommentieren, weil ich's wahrscheinlich zerreden würde. Also, das Gefühl, dass er mit seinen Worten bei mir ausgelöst hat...

Falls es also beim nächsten Mal bei einem "Danke für den Link" bleibt, wisst Ihr, warum. :)


I´m not antisocial. I just can´t stand people. (Justin Taylor)

Who´s wise in matters of the heart... doesn´t have one!

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 Betreff des Beitrags: Re: Movies FIX, 01.05.2013
BeitragVerfasst: 01.05.2013, 10:58 
Little Miss Gisborne

Registriert: 23.03.2013, 17:59
Beiträge: 12982
Wohnort: Sachsenländle
Arianna hat geschrieben:
:daumen: Ja, ich glaube, das ist auch eins meiner Lieblingsinterviews! :heartthrow:

:samekind: Ich mag dieses Interview auch so gerne :sigh: :heartthrow: :knutsch:

Ich mag es so sehr, dass mir die Worte fehlen :umkipp: :heartthrow: Ich kann dich da so gut verstehen, @roxy :kuss:

Ich mag es ja nicht beschwören aber die unendlich ausgelutschte Zirkusgeschichte habe ich in noch keinem 'Aussie'-Interview gehört :pfeif: Die sind wirklich sehr originell bei ihren Interviews mit Richard. Bisher war seine PR-Tour dort ein voller Erfolg für uns Fans. Richard scheint sehr locker und entspannt drauf zu sein :held: Es ist eine Wonne :sigh:


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 Betreff des Beitrags: Re: Movies FIX, 01.05.2013
BeitragVerfasst: 01.05.2013, 11:22 
Paul's love therapist

Registriert: 28.03.2013, 10:21
Beiträge: 1471
Wohnort: Minga
Wunderbares Interview, vielen Dank fürs Einstellen, Arianna! :blum:

Richard als "animal", das die Tanzfläche rockt... :lol: Das würde ich zu gern sehen... Obwohl: Nicht nur sehen, sondern neben ihm rumzappeln... :hurra:


Wohin du auch gehst, geh mit deinem ganzen Herzen. - Konfuzius

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 Betreff des Beitrags: Re: Movies FIX, 01.05.2013
BeitragVerfasst: 01.05.2013, 11:33 
Lady Macduff

Registriert: 07.01.2013, 15:57
Beiträge: 1594
:heartthrow: Was für ein tolles Interview!!!!!

Daaaaanke für´s Einstellen Mädels! :kuss:


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 Betreff des Beitrags: Re: Movies FIX, 01.05.2013
BeitragVerfasst: 01.05.2013, 11:39 
Mill overseer & Head of the Berlin Station

Registriert: 30.08.2011, 10:28
Beiträge: 29880
Wohnort: Richard's Kingdom of Dreams
Oaky hat geschrieben:
Ich mag es ja nicht beschwören aber die unendlich ausgelutschte Zirkusgeschichte habe ich in noch keinem 'Aussie'-Interview gehört :pfeif: Die sind wirklich sehr originell bei ihren Interviews mit Richard. Bisher war seine PR-Tour dort ein voller Erfolg für uns Fans. Richard scheint sehr locker und entspannt drauf zu sein :held: Es ist eine Wonne :sigh:

Ich fand bisher auch jedes Interview in Australien sehr gut - trotz aller Differenzen aufgrund der unterschiedlichen Zielgruppen, aber die haben es sogar ermöglicht, dass sich Richard als in jeder Hinsicht perfekter Gesprächspartner präsentieren konnte. :daumen: In jedem gab es eine angenehme Mischung aus bekannten, aber durchaus variabl formulierten oder sogar mit "ich habe gelesen/gehört" explizit markierten Fragen, wodurch die Wiederholung für alle Seiten gemildert wird, und vielen neuen Frageideen - hier z.B. zur Premiere in London, aber auch zur eigenen Person. Die Aussies treffen irgendwie genau den richtigen Ton im Umgang mit Richard, um auch immer ein Quentchen mehr herauszukitzeln. Wahrscheinlich spielen da seine guten NZ-Erharungen und der entsprechende Wohlfühlfaktor eine zusätzliche Rolle.

I think I said something about him playing an elf because he's so tall. Of course he knocked it away and was like "no no no, not at all". And of course you get briefed on the protocal of what you should and shouldn't say and I was like "oh my goodness, I've said the wrong thing".

After the movie, I was sitting on the aisle and he left and he kind of walked past me and shook my hand and said "that was a really really great performance. Kate's going to love this when she gets to see it". My dad was like "What did he say?" I was like "Did you not hear him?" And my dad's like "no, I'm deaf, I didn't hear him".

That was one of those days that I felt very proud.

Zurecht Richard! :knutsch:


Danke, liebe Boardengel, für Eure privaten Schnappschüsse. :kuss:

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 Betreff des Beitrags: Re: Movies FIX, 01.05.2013
BeitragVerfasst: 01.05.2013, 12:01 
Mill overseer & Thorins Schneewittchen

Registriert: 04.05.2006, 14:06
Beiträge: 21378
Einer Frau zu sagen, sie soll sich unbedingt als Elf bewerben, ist eine ziemlich gute Masche. Wenn auch nicht sehr subtil. Gibt es ein Bild von der Dame? Hat Prince William seiner Kate inzwischen die DVD gekauft? Die Webseite, auf der regelmäßig gute Bücher gelesen werden, ist C19 - lurkt er dort immer noch? Ich weiß, dass er dort angemeldet ist.


Bloody Internet.

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 Betreff des Beitrags: Re: Movies FIX, 01.05.2013
BeitragVerfasst: 01.05.2013, 12:05 
Lucas' sugarhorse

Registriert: 21.11.2010, 15:31
Beiträge: 14058
Wohnort: Lost in T's eyes
Hier ist ihr Twitterbild- und sie hat wirklich etwas elbenhaftes :lol: .

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 Betreff des Beitrags: Re: Movies FIX, 01.05.2013
BeitragVerfasst: 01.05.2013, 12:09 
Uhtred's warrior maiden

Registriert: 29.03.2012, 22:46
Beiträge: 18400
Maike hat geschrieben:
Einer Frau zu sagen, sie soll sich unbedingt als Elf bewerben, ist eine ziemlich gute Masche. Wenn auch nicht sehr subtil. Gibt es ein Bild von der Dame? Hat Prince William seiner Kate inzwischen die DVD gekauft? Die Webseite, auf der regelmäßig gute Bücher gelesen werden, ist C19 - lurkt er dort immer noch? Ich weiß, dass er dort angemeldet ist.

Sie hatte das vorgestern oder so getweetet... Und die Fotos, die ich im Netz spontan gesehen habe, möchte ich nicht posten, da ziemlich elfenhaft leicht bekleidet :evilgrin: (dunkelhaarig, ätherisch - kommt hin) ...
Ihr twitter-account: https://twitter.com/Yazberries
Ihr Kommentar zum RA-Interview:
Thank you so much. It felt like having a coffee with an old friend.


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 Betreff des Beitrags: Re: Movies FIX, 01.05.2013
BeitragVerfasst: 01.05.2013, 12:21 
Lucas' sugarhorse

Registriert: 21.11.2010, 15:31
Beiträge: 14058
Wohnort: Lost in T's eyes
Zu Prinz William hat er das übrigens auch gesagt :lol: - scheint gerade einer seiner Lieblingssprüche zu sein :kuss: .

Solange er nicht zu den Leuten sagt, sie sollten sich als troll king, orc bewerben :lachen: ...

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 Betreff des Beitrags: Re: Movies FIX, 01.05.2013
BeitragVerfasst: 01.05.2013, 12:23 
Uhtred's warrior maiden

Registriert: 29.03.2012, 22:46
Beiträge: 18400
Ich möchte lieber nicht wissen, was er mir empfehlen würde ... Troll, Orc ... :evilgrin: Bärtige Zwergin ...


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 Betreff des Beitrags: Re: Movies FIX, 01.05.2013
BeitragVerfasst: 01.05.2013, 12:27 
Mill overseer & Thorins Schneewittchen

Registriert: 04.05.2006, 14:06
Beiträge: 21378
So schlimm wird's schon nicht sein. :kuss: Bei mir wär's wohl Hobbit - klein und knubbelig.


Bloody Internet.

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