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BeitragVerfasst: 02.04.2016, 12:16 

Registriert: 21.07.2014, 18:12
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Nach einer Woche Pro Tag ein halbes Buch hören - gut das noch Ferien sind - hab ichs geschafft.
Normalerweise bin ich kein Dickensfan - aber ich hab dieses Hörbuch echt genossen und habe bei vielen Figuren herzlich lachen müssen. Mein ungeschlagenes Highlight in diesem Hörbuch ist definitiv Miss Betsey Trotwood, die mir im Buch schon sympathisch ist, aber beim hören hab ich manches Mal vor lachen kaum was anderes hinkriegen können. Allerdings hatte ich mir Uriah Heep stimmlich etwas "schleimiger" vorgestellt, der war mir etwas zu blass.

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Verfasst: 02.04.2016, 12:16 

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BeitragVerfasst: 04.04.2016, 20:49 
Little Miss Gisborne

Registriert: 23.03.2013, 17:59
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Wohnort: Sachsenländle
Ich habe mir bei diesem Hörbuch (wahrscheinlich auch wegen der Länge) sehr viel Zeit gelassen damit zu beginnen. :shy: Ich hatte noch ein anderes Hörbuch zu beenden und da ich David Copperfield noch sehr gut aus meinem Literaturkurs 13. Klasse kenne, dachte ich, dass es mir ja nicht davonlaufen würde. Ich habe das Buch damals geliebt, nachdem ich mich erst einmal eingelesen hatte und ich glaube ich war die Einzige, die es in unserem Kurs bis zu Ende gelesen hat und das will was heißen, lesefaul wie ich damals war. :irre:

Gestern war es dann soweit... ich habe mit dem Hörbuch begonnen und bin mittlerweile schon bei über acht Stunden. Was soll ich sagen? Ich liebe es! :heartthrow:

Ich habe mittlerweile schon so viele Hörbücher gehört... während meiner Lauf-Einheiten, bei der Hausarbeit, manchmal sogar beim Einkaufen, wenn ich von meinem Umfeld mal etwas Abstand brauche, aber so nachhaltig beeindruckt hat mich bisher noch keins wie dieses. Richard's 'Hamlet' war schon spitze, aber 'David Copperfield' toppt das (zumindest meiner Ansicht nach) noch und das liegt wohl an der Kombination aus Richard's unverwechselbarer Stimme und der Geschichte an sich, die ich (wie schon geschrieben) sehr, sehr mag.

Man fühlt mit David Copperfield richtig mit und man amüsiert sich mit ihm. Man kann David/Richard stellenweise, während er erzählt, richtig lächeln hören, was ich ganz besonders schön finde. :heartthrow: Und ebenso bemerkt man auch sein Zittern in der Stimme, wenn er traurig ist und ihn etwas sehr berührt.

Dass Richard eine große Bandbreite an Stimmen auspacken kann, wenn es erforderlich ist, ist nichts neues, sollte man aber auch hier wieder lobend erwähnen. Bei seinem Mr. Creakle bekommt man richtig Halsschmerzen :ill: und vor den grausigen Murdstones muss man einfach Angst haben und sie verabscheuen :gaah: .

Irgendwie lässt mich das Hörbuch gerade nicht mehr los, sodass ich wohl heute Abend doch noch einmal etwas weiterhören muss. :oops: :heartthrow:


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BeitragVerfasst: 18.04.2016, 19:34 
Mill overseer & Head of the Berlin Station

Registriert: 30.08.2011, 10:28
Beiträge: 29880
Wohnort: Richard's Kingdom of Dreams
Großes Lob für Richards 'David Copperfield' vom 'Examiner':

Audible connects with actors for audiobook performances

April 18, 2016 9:16 AM MST

Do you have a list of books that you want to read that's a mile long? Never have time to pick up that murder mystery you've been craving? Want to re-read that classic that you hated in high school because you think it'll be better the second time around? Let Audible help you out. Audble by Amazon has perfected the art of the audiobook and has even collaborated with famous actors and actresses to bring beloved books to you either through your iPod, iPad, or other electronic device.

Yesterday, Audible Studios released their latest audiobook, Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Brontë, as performed by actress Thandie Newton. The release comes with perfect timing, since this week would have been Bronte's 200th birthday. Newton does an exception job of performing the main character, illuminating the timeless story for future generations to come. Who better to express female independence than such an independent female artist as Thandie Newton?

Newton comments,

"I think the reason we're so struck by [Jane Eyre] is how Charlotte Brontë manages to relate, expertly, what it means to be a human being...and that never changes."

This Audible book is available through Amazon and Audible currently for $17.47 and downloads directly to your computer or preferred device.

Audible has released three other books on tape in the past two months. In February, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland was released, performed by Scarlett Johansson, and directed by her sister,voice actress Vanessa Johansson. A truly fun audiobook, you'll be laughing along to the story at every silly event that takes place in Wonderland. Johansson performs exceptionally, throwing her voice for each character, from the Mad Hatter to the doormouse. The awe that Alice feels upon meeting each new friend is evident through Johansson's performance; Lewis Carroll would be most appreciative.

The second book released in February was Charles Dickens' David Copperfield, as performed by Richard Armitage. The Hobbit actor has performed for multiple Audible books already and he does not disappoint in this version of the famed Dickens novel. Readers love how Armitage is able to fully form each of the characters in readers' minds by giving them a specific voice, making the story all the more realistic. Despite the fact that there are over 50 characters introduced in this coming-of-age novel, Armitage performs perfectly.

If that's not enough, check out Audible's March release of The Turn of the Screw, a Henry James novel performed by Emma Thompson, with Richard Armitage voicing the prologue. Thompson's diction is so perfect you can almost see her right in front of you, telling the story of a governess in the middle of a ghost tale. Thompson has performed in many similar classic films and this story is right up her alley. If you find James a difficult read on your own, let Thompson tell the tale to you instead.

Performing for an audiobook is truly an art, and one that has been conquered by popular actors and actresses on recent Audible releases. Check them out for yourself and let us know what you think - leave a comment in the box below or send a tweet to @egyptologist!



Danke, liebe Boardengel, für Eure privaten Schnappschüsse. :kuss:

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BeitragVerfasst: 18.04.2016, 20:51 
Little Miss Gisborne

Registriert: 23.03.2013, 17:59
Beiträge: 12982
Wohnort: Sachsenländle
Ach sowas liest man einfach gern! :heartthrow:

Und wie recht sie haben! Sein 'David Copperfield' ist einfach grandios! :heartthrow:

Danke für's Posten, Laudine! :kuss:


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BeitragVerfasst: 18.04.2016, 22:22 
Richard's purrrfect transylvanian bat

Registriert: 29.01.2015, 19:51
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Da kann ich mich nur anschließen :heartthrow:
Das Buch, gelesen von Richard, ist wirklich grandios und ich freue mich auf jede längere Autofahrt.
Ich komme so nicht schnell voran, aber manche Stellen sind einfach zu nett, besonders die Romanze zwischen Mr. Barkers und Miss Peggotty war einfach herzerwärmend und lustig geschildert.
Ich sehe die Figuren richtig vor mir, das ist wie Kino im Kopf.
Wirklich eine Entdeckung, die ich ohne dieses Board hier nie gemacht hätte, weder Dickens noch überhaupt ein Hörbuch.

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BeitragVerfasst: 31.05.2016, 21:54 
Lucas' sugarhorse

Registriert: 21.11.2010, 15:31
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Wohnort: Lost in T's eyes
Audible weiß mittlerweile, was es an Richard hat:
https://twitter.com/audible_com/status/ ... 0478836741

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BeitragVerfasst: 31.05.2016, 22:44 
Little Miss Gisborne

Registriert: 23.03.2013, 17:59
Beiträge: 12982
Wohnort: Sachsenländle
Die Leute von Audible wissen was sie an Richard haben und wir wissen was wir an Audible haben.

Audible und Richard ist einfach eine tolle Kombination, die uns schon jede Menge wundervollen Hörgenuss geboten hat. :heartthrow:

Ich hoffe sehr, dass da noch viel, viel mehr kommt. :sigh:


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BeitragVerfasst: 31.05.2016, 23:07 
Mill overseer & Head of the Berlin Station

Registriert: 30.08.2011, 10:28
Beiträge: 29880
Wohnort: Richard's Kingdom of Dreams
Ich finde auch, dass sie bei Audible sehr schnell erkannt haben, was sie an Richard haben und wirklich gute Produkte entstanden sind. :daumen: Richard klingt auch immer sehr zufrieden und offen für die weitere Zusammenarbeit. Gutes Teamwork! :daumen:

Ich hole mal den Tweet herüber, die Gif-Datei ist einfach zu schön:



Danke, liebe Boardengel, für Eure privaten Schnappschüsse. :kuss:

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BeitragVerfasst: 01.06.2016, 20:54 
Mill overseer & Head of the Berlin Station

Registriert: 30.08.2011, 10:28
Beiträge: 29880
Wohnort: Richard's Kingdom of Dreams
Eine Audiobook-Empfehlungsliste, in der Richard sozusagen zweimal vorkommt:

7 Audiobooks For Your Summer Road Trip — Narrated By Your Fave Celebrities

Emma Oulton

Summer's well and truly on its way, which means you have a lot of difficult decisions ahead of you: which swimsuit are you going to splurge your cash on? Where are you and your friends going to vacation? And how are you going to pick the perfect audiobook for your road trip? Wherever you're road-tripping this summer, you need an audiobook engrossing enough to make the time fly by; it's got to be as exciting as the destination itself. Is this possible? Absolutely. What you need is simple: a gripping audiobook narrated by your favorite celebrity.

Audible have got some fantastic audiobooks on offer at the moment, and we teamed up with them to bring you a list of the best. There are adventure tales, children's lit, Victorian ghost stories and classic love stories; whichever audiobook you pick, it will keep you spellbound for hours of driving across the country (once you've finished playing the license plate game, that is). Whether it's the sexy voice of Tom Hiddleston that you're after, or the sultry tones of Scarlett Johansson that you prefer, somewhere in this list you'll find your perfect book. (Now all you've got to do is work out that swimsuit dilemma.)

1. Peter Pan by J.M. Barrie, read by Lily Collins

Lily Collins is no stranger to re-enacting childhood classics: she previously played Snow White in the 2012 movie Mirror, Mirror. This time around, she's off to Neverland — and her fairytale voice will bring you right there with her.

2. Alice's Adventures in Wonderlandby Lewis Carroll, read by Scarlett Johansson

If you loved the latest Alice Through the Looking Glass movie, and aren't quite ready to say goodbye to Wonderland just yet, Scarlett Johansson's dreamy narration of Lewis Carroll's trippy classic is the ideal audiobook for your journey.

3. Free State of Jonesby Victoria Bynum, read by Mahershala Ali

Before you head to the cinema to watch Mahershala Ali star in Free State of Jones, you better catch up on the background story. Use your road trip time to listen to the actor himself read out Victoria Bynum's fascinating research.

4. High Riseby J.G. Ballard, read by Tom Hiddleston

Tom Hiddleston stars in this shocking thriller on the big screen, and he's just as fantastic at narrating the novel it's based on. (I mean, duh. Has Tom Hiddleston ever been less than fantastic at anything?)

5. David Copperfield by Charles Dickens, read by Richard Armitage

After a few hours of Richard Armitage's lovely voice reading to you, you might not even want to get out of the car. Sure, beaches and booze are tempting — but I'm pretty sure this is better.

6. The Turn of the Screw by Henry James, read by Emma Thompson

The Turn of the Screw is a rather creepy ghost story, but you can't get too scared with Emma Thompson's gorgeously gentle voice soothing you.

7. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë, read by Thandie Newton

A lot of people list Jane Eyre as their favorite novel, so it needs a narrator that will really do it justice. Without a doubt, Thandie Newton is that narrator. Newton herself explained that the reason so many of us love this book is because Charlotte Brontë "manages to relate, expertly, what it means to be a human being" — and she's spot on.



Danke, liebe Boardengel, für Eure privaten Schnappschüsse. :kuss:

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BeitragVerfasst: 13.06.2016, 20:02 
Mill overseer & Head of the Berlin Station

Registriert: 30.08.2011, 10:28
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Wohnort: Richard's Kingdom of Dreams
Audible @audible_com

It’s early, but our listeners and editors already have tons of favorites. http://adbl.co/BO2016SF


'David Copperfield' gehört zu den 'listeners favorites', 'The Turn of the Screw" zu den 'editors favorites'.


Danke, liebe Boardengel, für Eure privaten Schnappschüsse. :kuss:

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BeitragVerfasst: 24.07.2016, 16:14 
Head of the MI5-writing section and expert for vampire studies

Registriert: 04.05.2006, 11:10
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Wohnort: Wetzlar
Ich habe es jetzt auch begonnen, mich aber noch nicht wirklich eingehört. Irgendwie ist mir das - wie auch so oft in Dickens-Verfilmungen - noch zuviel Drama und bisher ist noch gar nicht so viel passiert. Soweit ich den Film im Kopf habe, wird es nämlich noch schlimmer, bevor es für David dann irgendwann bergauf geht. Das Schlimme, aber auch Geniale bei Richard ist eben, dass er die fiesen Personen so liest, dass mir eine Gänsehaut über den Rücken läuft. Und naja, da ich bei Hörbüchern eigentlich entspanne, ist das dann so leicht kontraproduktiv. Aber mal sehen, bisher habe ich erst 3-4 Stunden hinter mir. Da kommt also noch einiges auf mich zu.

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BeitragVerfasst: 08.11.2016, 10:49 
Percy's naughty little barfly

Registriert: 28.05.2008, 08:48
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Wohnort: John Porters Land Rover
Ich habe jetzt endlich mit DC angefangen, nachdem ich das Buch etwas zu langatmig fand, und muß sagen, Richard bringt das perfekt zum Leben. Heute habe ich im Bus geheult, beim Tod von Davids Mutter :flenn:, und auch die Schulgeschichte hat mich sehr mitgenommen :bibber:

Sein Mr. Murdstone (was habe ich dieses Paar schon im Buch gehaßt! :evil: ) läßt einem ja fast das Blut gefrieren! :bibber: Ganz großes Kopfkino!

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BeitragVerfasst: 12.02.2017, 23:59 
Lucas' sugarhorse

Registriert: 21.11.2010, 15:31
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Wohnort: Lost in T's eyes
Thank to Fabo:
http://blog.masterdynamic.com/article/k ... -audiobook

The Making of An Audiobook
Jan 27, 2017
Here at Master & Dynamic we’re obsessed with all things sound and creativity, so we decided to explore what goes on behind the scenes in the fastest-growing segment of publishing: the audiobook, a medium which combines literature, creativity, and high-quality sound.
We sat down with Kat Lambrix, an award-winning audio producer at Audible, the largest audiobook producer and retailer in the United States. Kat spoke with us about what she does, what goes into making an audiobook, and her favorite audiobooks of all time.

How did you get your start at Audible?
I was an art history major, and my first job out of college was producing audio tours for museums. I spent the better part of a month in a recording studio, and realized I loved it there. I then went on to manage that recording studio, cutting my teeth on the technical side of the business. When a position on the production side [at Audible] opened up, [a friend] sent me the job listing. Almost nine years [later], here I am.
Tell us about your role. What do you spend your days doing?
I have a dual role: I flex my creative muscles casting and directing books, and I engage my practical side managing Audible Studios’ production flow from start to finish. Casting and directing means lots of time reading, working with actors, and sitting in the studio. Managing production is about creating and refining processes, reporting and analyzing how we do things and how we can do them better. There’s no “typical day” for me, which is one of the best things about my job. On any given day, I could be in a studio in Malibu, running a narration workshop at a university, or sitting in meetings with any of the fantastic teams here to work on new initiatives for our listeners.
Where do audiobook narrators come from?
Almost all audiobook narrators are actors. When you’re on that side of the glass in the studio, it’s your job to tell someone’s story. Actors know how to modulate their voices, how to express emotion with only their voices, and how to tell a great story. The conversion from a stage-and-screen actor to an audiobook narrator isn’t that difficult, and lots of folks find storytelling to be a great part of their acting repertoire.
How do you choose which people work on which projects?
Reading a book will usually be all we need to do in order to cast it. The words will tell you who the main character is, where they’re from, what their background is. Even if the book is told in third person, you still get tons of clues from the text as to who should be telling this story. After so many hours in the studio and all the listening I do on my own, a narrator’s voice will usually pop into my head as I'm reading. Sometimes it’s a specific person; sometimes it’s a more general feeling of “who’s telling this story” that I can then go back and match with an actor.

You also work on workshops that teach the craft of audiobook narration. Tell us about that.
I love teaching; it’s a great way to both find new talent and see what's happening in the acting community. The workshops I’ve done focus on taking stage and screen actors (or those who are in training) and teaching them how to use their voices only to convey emotion, to tell a story, and to engage a listener. Narrating audiobooks is a really intimate thing — you’re literally right in someone’s ear. I teach actors how to dial the volume of their voice back, [and] use other ways — pacing, modulation, their own mental imagery — to tell a story and convey emotion.

What’s your favorite audiobook (and who narrates it)?

This is a really hard question. Can I give my top three?
Ernest Cline’s Ready Player One, narrated by Wil Wheaton — Wil Wheaton and Ernest Cline, like me, are true children of the ‘80s. This book is the ultimate homage to the decade. It’s a great story, chock full of pop culture references and characters that you come to love (along with one you totally despise) as the story develops. Wheaton’s narration is stellar — he really commits to the story and draws you into it. It makes me feel totally okay about my nostalgia for the decade.
Charles Frazier’s Thirteen Moons, narrated by Will Patton — This one is a beautiful portrait of the American west, narrated by someone who has a true love for it. Patton’s telling of this story brings the entire thing to life; it’s a book I can listen to over and over again. This was a great pairing of book and narrator — the tone of Patton’s voice matches the beauty of the writing perfectly.

Charles Dickens’ David Copperfield, narrated by Richard Armitage — I just started this one, but it’s already in my top three. You can’t ever argue with Dickens, and Richard Armitage’s love of Dickens and storytelling comes through loud and clear. This is the longest book in my library, coming in over thirty-six hours, and I’m really excited to have so much time with the story (and, let’s be honest, Richard!)

Oddly, I’ve never read any of these books in print. I first came to each of them in audio, and my experience of the story is so intimately tied to the narrator’s voice in each case that I don’t think I’d want to read them in print.
What was your favorite audiobook you worked on recently? What do you think made it so great?
John Scalzi’s original novella The Dispatcher, read by Zachary Quinto. It’s a short one, clocking in just under two and a half hours, and a great entry point for folks who haven’t listened to an audiobook before, or listeners who haven’t done much sci-fi. I’ll never forget how loudly John Scalzi cheered when we told him who was narrating! Being in the studio with Zach was a blast — he’s a super committed actor, and extremely talented. I think our listeners could hear all that dedication and enjoyment of the story come through in his voice.
What sound tools do you use to get the best possible audiobook?
Audiobook recording is a pretty simple thing. All you really need is a good mic, a quiet booth, and then the actor does the rest.

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BeitragVerfasst: 04.08.2018, 00:06 
Mill overseer & Head of the Berlin Station

Registriert: 30.08.2011, 10:28
Beiträge: 29880
Wohnort: Richard's Kingdom of Dreams
Lobende Worte über Richards Performance - und 'The Master und Margaritha' ist auch mit dabei:

10 Classic Audiobooks Everyone Should Hear
By Alexis Gunderson | August 2, 2018 | 2:57pm

One of the greatest joys I’ve recently discovered is listening to classics in audiobook form. All of that nerdy guilt over the Western (mostly white guy) literary canon I never got around to reading, vanished in a (multi-disc-long) minute.

There are scores of Western classics available on audio, although sifting through them to find the best of the best feels like homework. So I’ve done the work for you! Check out the titles below to discover 10 audiobook classics you need to hear.

The Complete Sherlock Holmes: The Heirloom Collection by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Narrator: Simon Vance

Run time: 58 hours and 4 minutes

Audible | Libro.fm | Soundcloud (narrator interview)

Boasting one of blockbuster literature’s favorite narrators, Simon Vance, this Heirloom Collection brings Sherlock’s enduring cleverness to life. Vance’s performance, elegant and personable and witty all at once, is indicative of the rest of his deep audio portfolio, which covers a swathe of Western classics (Robinson Crusoe, Paradise Lost, Notes From the Underground) and dozens of your favorite modern bestsellers (Interview With a Vampire, The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, Dune). Once you get through The Complete Sherlock Holmes—and yes, even clocking in at nearly 60 hours, you will get through it—you’ll have no end of options for what to listen to Vance read next.

David Copperfield by Charles Dickens

Narrator: Richard Armitage (Audible Exclusive) or Simon Vance (everywhere)

Run time: 36 hours and 30 minutes (Armitage) / 33 hours and 54 minutes (Vance)

Audible | Libro.fm | Overdrive | Soundcloud

Charles Dickens is a joy to listen to on audio, fond as he was of such grotesquely silly character names. So if you’ve been meaning to read Dickens since, oh, I don’t know, eighth grade, give yourself a break and turn the job of reading those silly names over to the professionals. Simon Vance, whose prolific career was discussed above, has recorded the audio for numerous Dickens books. But should you want to mix up your listening experience, turn to Audible, where some of Britain’s biggest actors have been narrating Dickens for years. In the case of David Copperfield, our ears are gifted with the dulcet gruffness of North and South’s Richard Armitage, who reads Dickens’ semi-autobiographical epic with deep humanity, tonal versatility and no shortage of humor. If you have some Audible credits you’ve been too anxious to spend on an unknown variable, worry no longer: Armitage’s David Copperfield will not disappoint.

Diary of a Madman and Other Stories by Nikolai Gogol, translated by Constance Garnett

Narrator: Nicholas Boulton

Run time: 17 hours and 2 minutes

Audible | Libro.fm | Overdrive

Including two Russian (well, one Russian and one Ukrainian) grotesquerists on this list may seem like Slavic overkill, but now’s the time to take a critical look at the tragicomic cultural history of the country trying to dismantle American democracy. So listen to the Bulgakov later on the list, but also listen to this collection of short stories from the greater, weirder, less satisfyingly conclusive Ukrainian forebear to all of Bulgakov’s satirical ravings: Nikolai Gogol (as translated by Constance Garnett and read by Nicholas Boulton). Boulton’s smooth British accent may seem off for these odd Slavic folktales at first, but with a story about a nose that grows to the size of a man and climbs the ladder of Russian bureaucracy, who’s to say what’s odd? What counts is that Boulton’s pacing is terrific, his pronunciation of Russian names is comfortingly accurate and his sense that the world is one big absurdity is palpable.

Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes, translated by Edith Grossman

Narrator: George Guidall (or Alejandro Magnone in Spanish)

Run time: 39 hours and 42 minutes

Audible | Libro.fm | Spanish

Like the behemoths The Complete Sherlock Holmes and David Copperfield on this list, Don Quixote is well worth the every one of its 39+ hours. The venerable Don Quixote is a tragicomic hero who has endured the ages for a reason, and with the one-two combo of Edith Grossman’s artful translation and George Guidall’s eloquent narration behind him, that endurance is rendered humanely obvious. Guidall, like Vance (who has also logged a performance of Don Quixote), is a narrator whose voice stretches across the audioshelves of classics and modern bestsellers, alike—his reading of Nobel Prize-winner Kazuo Ishiguro’s The Buried Giants is particularly excellent. So if you enjoy his narration after the long hours spent in La Mancha, you’ll be happy to know he’s easy to track down everywhere that audiobooks are found.

Emma by Jane Austen

Narrator: Jenny Agutter

Run time: 14 hours and 49 minutes

Audible | Libro.fm | Overdrive

It would be sacrilege to write a list of Western classics and not include a Jane Austen title. But let’s skip Pride and Prejudice in favor of Emma—and all the comedies of errors Emma Woodhouse’s bullheaded self-congratulation breeds. Emma boasts numerous beautiful narrations (Wanda McCaddon also performs a lovely version), but Jenny Agutter’s recording for Bolinda Audio stands out. Agutter’s narration, which is smooth and full of good humor, gives Emma the kind of warm, throaty voice that a young woman so completely certain of her own excellence deserves. And if you like Agutter here, she also has some Brontë, P.D. James, and Dodie Smith waiting for you.

House of Mirth by Edith Wharton

Narrator: Wanda McCaddon

Run time: 12 hours and 11 minutes

Audible | Libro.fm | Overdrive

Edith Wharton’s classic tackles social expectations of the 20th century and the dire consequences of being an upwardly mobile young lady cursed with an overabundance of ambition fighting those expectations. Wanda McCaddon’s performance proves lively and unrelenting—a combination that could be exhausting for other books but perfectly fits Lily Bart’s harrowing gallop through the highest society of New York. This is not a story meant to leave the reader with any sense of cheer or optimism, but it is humane and compelling and well worth the read.

The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov, translated by Michael Karpelson

Narrator: Julian Rhind-Tutt (Vladimir Ivanovich Samolyov in Russian)

Run time: 16 hours and 51 minutes

Audible | Libro.fm | Overdrive | Russian

The Master and Margarita is a disorienting, savage satire of culture, politics, religion and, most especially, the absurd bureaucracy of the Soviet state in the 1920s. With a story that encompasses flying witches, meditations from Pontius Pilate on Jesus, talking cats and magical manuscripts, it’s no wonder that it was impossible for Mikhail Bulgakov to publish it in his lifetime. Once you turn on Julian Rhind-Tutt’s full-tilt performance of Michael Karpelson’s translation, it will also be no wonder why I am including it on this list. In our own age of brutal, bureaucratic absurdity, something like The Master and Margarita can be, if not creatively empowering, then at least cathartic. That Russian Margarita, Roman Pontius Pilate and the Devil all end up with variations on Rhind-Tutt’s (lovely, well-modulated) native English accent makes the absurdity just that much more realistic.

Middlemarch by George Eliot

Narrator: Nadia May (alternate name for Wanda McCaddon)

Run time: 32 hours

Audible | Libro.fm | Overdrive

Middlemarch is almost impossible to summarize, but the most important thing to know before committing to 32 hours within its borders is that it is profound and wise and epically humane. It’s also romantic, and Nadia May (AKA Wanda McCaddon) delivers every note, every minute emotional turn, with fluid vocal grace. Truly, the only downside to this Middlemarch audiobook is that its length is likely to preclude the immediate second listen you’ll want to embark on when Dorothea Brooke’s story concludes. But I don’t know your life! Maybe you’ve got the extra 32 hours to give.

The Odyssey by Homer, translated by Robert Fitzgerald

Narrator: Dan Stevens

Run time: 10 hours and 15 minutes

Audible | Libro.fm | Overdrive | Soundcloud

Dan Stevens’ performance of an infamous Greek epic—translated here by the award-winning Robert Fitzgerald—is lovely and compassionately executed. Though listeners wanting thrilling adventures might find it a little slow, but it’s made all the more affecting for its careful pace. As a bonus, this audiobook includes part of the poem read in its original Ancient Greek, the better for listeners to hear the musicality that has allowed Odysseus’ epic adventures to endure for centuries.

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum

Narrator: Anne Hathaway

Run time: 3 hours and 52 minutes

Audible (Exclusive) | Soundcloud

Anne Hathaway’s performance of this L. Frank Baum classic is a delirious delight! Dynamic, uninhibited and gleefully devoted to crittery voices, her narration will make you want to listen to for the rest of your life. Listen to it now, listen to it tomorrow, listen to it alone, listen to it with kids and parents and grandparents and neighbors—listen to it with your whole neighborhood block party, and bond over every second of pure glee Hathaway has invested in this performance. Then pray she returns one day for more. L. Frank Baum stories.



Danke, liebe Boardengel, für Eure privaten Schnappschüsse. :kuss:

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Bachelor host helps launch audible books for dogs
2nd Nov 2018 8:06 AM

IF you're feeling guilty about leaving your pooch at home all day, this might just ease your guilt.

Audible.com.au has announced the release of Audible for Dogs, a curated collection of audiobooks for dog owners to play when leaving their furry friends at home.

Curated in collaboration with dog-lover, Osher Günsberg, and animal behaviourist, Dr Susan Hazel, Audible for Dogs was inspired by an independent study by Hartpury College in the UK.

The study suggests listening to audiobooks can positively influence kennelled dogs' behaviour, spending less time alert and more time resting compared to other audio influences like music.

If you think the idea is crazy consider this.

Aussies are now collectively spending a whopping $12.2 billion on our pets each year.

Audible.com.au worked with Dr Susan Hazel and Osher Günsberg to curate the Audible for Dogs collection, chosen for their "calming narration, evenly paced narrative, and length to cover a full workday away from home".

Selections include Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice narrated by Rosamund Pike, Charles Dickens' David Copperfield narrated by Richard Armitage, and Lucy Maud Montgomery's Anne of Green Gables, narrated by Rachel McAdams.

Selected audiobooks from the curated collection have been bundled together, so dog-lovers can choose a Classics collection for high-brow canines, or an Aussie collection for their true-blue heelers.

The Hartpury College research also suggests a narrator whose gender, accent and tone are similar to the primary owners may contribute to calmer canine behaviour.

Australian audiobooks Cloudstreet by Tim Winton, narrated by Peter Hosking, and Kerry Greenwood's The Spotted Dog, narrated by Jennifer Vuletic, were also included, along with Osher Günsberg and his precious wedding-ring-bearer pup, Frankie's favourite, The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, by J.R.R. Tolkien and narrated by Rob Inglis.

Audiobooks from the Audible for Dogs collection are being played for their rescue dogs, who may find the shelter environment stressful.

From today until 2 November 2019, Audible.com.au will donate $1.00 per purchase of any audiobook in the Audible for Dogs collection to the Sydney Dogs and Cats Home, up to a maximum donation of $10,000.

Dr Susan Hazel, Senior Lecturer, Animal Behaviour, Welfare & Ethics, from University of Adelaide said: "Recent research suggests listening to audiobooks can reduce high-stress indicators such as barking, howling, pacing or standing in kennelled dogs.

"Humans have selected canine companions over thousands of years based on those that like being with people the most. Which now means they may not like it when we leave them alone. For some dogs, audiobooks may be helpful when an owner is not at home, providing a calming human voice."

Osher Günsberg, host of reality TV franchise, The Bachelor Australia, said: "I'm passionate about mental health, and that extends to my dog, Frankie's, wellbeing too. I feel more at ease knowing Frankie is in the company of specially curated audiobooks chosen for their calm and even narration. Lately, I've been leaving him listening to The Lord of the Rings which, he seems to enjoy."

Faith Harrsen, Marketing Manager, Sydney Dogs and Cats Home said: "Many of our rescue dogs find the shelter environment stressful, and we've found having a familiar voice and tone playing daily from the Audible for Dogs collection has contributed to a more calming space.

"Aladdin, currently our longest-term doggy resident, has been listening to Sherlock Holmes narrated by Stephen Fry, along with our other kennelled dogs.

"He can be reactive, barking as other dogs pass his kennel, but our team of behaviourists have observed that when the audiobook is playing it appears to distract him and he usually listens quietly and calmly, which has been wonderful to note."



Danke, liebe Boardengel, für Eure privaten Schnappschüsse. :kuss:

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